আমাদের কল করুন
আমাদের কল করুন
ভাষা পরিবর্তন করুন

Ferro Alloys

Ferro Silicon Manganese is employed as a deoxidizer as well as an alloying element in steel. It is applicative in its own right as a stabilizer in the steel industry as the deoxidant or employed in the production of other manganese amalgams. It also improves mechanical properties of steel and serves as a lump-filled material with a silvery metallic surface. Ferro Silicon Manganese is applicable as a deoxidizer as well as an alloying element in steel. It reduces the solubility of carbon in manganese blends so carbon contents are inversely relative to the silicon content. Ferro Silicon Manganese is applicative as an intermediary product suited for further processing into advanced lower carbon ferro manganese grades.
Ferro Chrome (FeCr) is the amalgam of chromium as well as iron comprising between 50% as well as 70% chromium. Hard Ferro Chrome is made by electric arc melting of chromite, an iron magnesium chromium oxide as well as the most significant chromium mineral. Over 80% of its production is applicable in the production of stainless steel that is well-defined as a steel alloy with a least of 10% chrome by content. It is employed in specialist applications such as engineering steels. It is also produced in less carbon content so as to deal with smaller quantities for more particular applications. Solid Ferro Chrome has a slag that is chemically stable and can be used for road construction as well as civil engineering.

আমরা উত্তর কোরিয়া, ইরাক, আফগানিস্তান ইত্যাদির মতো মধ্য প্রাচ্য, দক্ষিণ এশিয়া, ইউরোপ এবং লাতিন আমেরিকার দেশগুলিতে রফতানি করি।
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